Torii's AI discovery and mapping leverages over six discovery methods to automatically detect and map every SaaS app as soon as they're adopted — including Shadow IT.
Instantly receive detailed alerts via your messenger of choice as soon as new apps are adopted, including the adoptee's name and application details.
Overview: Mitigate risk and safeguard sensitive data with real-time Shadow IT adoption alerts. Send questionnaires when a new app is adopted, immediately gathering crucial usage and feature data.
Customer Stories:
Lunchbox discovered 4x more Shadow IT apps than expected
Pipedrive discovered 600 shadow IT apps on day one.
Hear From Your Peers: “Torii discovered 300% more apps than we knew about. We had a list of 100 in our spreadsheet. Torii discovered just under 400. I knew there would be a delta between what we had and what Torii found, but I was surprised it was so large.” – Gian Luca D’Intino-Conte, Director of IT, Lunchbox
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