💡Key Points:

  • Torii is IT’s SaaS home base, automating and monitoring cloud-app tasks and processes.
  • However, when a task needs manual intervention, Torii lets you delegate those tasks from within Torii via a “Ticket Delegation” step in custom workflows.
  • Ticket Delegation saves time, reduces friction, and improves communication, all while lowering how many apps IT uses.
  • These tickets use personalization tokens to automatically change details within the ticket depending on the user or application affected.
  • Torii also offers deep integration with Jira—so when the ticket is marked as complete, Torii can continue its workflow and remove that user from the associated app within Torii itself.

If you want something done—create a ticket.

Emails, slacks, and calls get overlooked, but the subtle psychology of a ticket adds accountability and transparency to the process. That’s why Torii ensures that your SaaS Management tasks receive the visibility they deserve via our ticketing system integration!

Why Use Torii for Ticket Delegation?

To understand “why,” it’s worth understanding the purpose of Torii itself!

Torii is a SaaS Management Platform that becomes your cloud-app HQ. You can discover, monitor, act, and automate your entire SaaS portfolio from one place. Torii will simplify or automate numerous everyday IT tasks via API integration for most of your business-critical applications. However, other apps may still need manual action.

In those instances, leaving one app to create a ticket in another might feel “easy,” but we know from psychological research that every time we switch tasks like this, it takes a significant tax on our focus. Jumping from Torii to Asana might feel small, but those moments add up!

To save time, reduce oversight, and lower the tiring tax of task switching, we developed this ticketing integration to centralize your SaaS workflows better. So, for example, instead of administering a series of tickets for different users and apps, you can create workflows that apply to those users and apps. Then, when the workflow is triggered, Torii handles the “busy work” while you maintain visibility of the process.

Which Ticketing Tools Does Torii Support?

This system integration currently works with the following:

  • Atlassian’s Jira
  • ServiceNow
  • Asana
  • Freshservice
  • Monday

How Does The Ticketing System Integration Work?

Usually, within Torii, tickets are just one part of a larger workflow. Torii’s no-code workflow builder makes complex, multi-step tasks simple or even fun! Delegating a ticket for a specific job is just one of the thousands of blocks IT can use to construct their ideal SaaS Ops architecture.

At this point, you might wonder how resilient these workflows are. How much manual adjustment will you need to make for multiple users in different departments using various tools? Torii workflows are incredibly resilient to different contexts thanks to personalization tokens.

What are Personalization Tokens?

Personalization tokens are values that resolve through conditional processing. Within a Torii workflow, you can use tokens such as {first name}, {title}, {application}, etc. And when the workflow is triggered, all those values resolve based on the user to which they are applied.

It sounds like magic, but it’s just a ton of normalization. You see, Torii uses something called an Advanced Data Engine. This engine ingests millions of data points from all of your applications. These bits and bytes of data are then normalized and standardized with a unified schema. That standardization is consequential because we need everything in a structure that can be used in the future—particularly for building user profiles!

Connecting one user with all of their apps is complicated because each app will refer to that individual slightly differently. So Torii bundles all that “metadata” about a given person and builds a user profile for them. This user profile means that anytime you refer to that person, you can also reference all that associated data.

Ticket Delegation Example

Let’s say we have a user profile built out for Abbey within Torii. She’s a manager on the Finance team, has a license for thirty-three applications totaling $2,186 annually, and Abbey has decided to return to school to follow her dream of becoming an architect! So when Abbey leaves the company, you have a workflow ready to launch. Once Abbey is marked as a “past employee” within bambooHR, it triggers a series of workflows that automatically deprovision Abbey from twenty-four applications via API integrations with Torii. But you need the application owners to act manually on those remaining nine apps.

You could create a ticket for each app and each owner, but that will take time, might have errors, and is not enjoyable work. So instead, the IT admin in Torii can add a step to a workflow so that each app owner receives a Freshservice ticket to reclaim that ex-employee license from the app. The ticket will automatically include all the essential data thanks to that user profile, so you use the personalization tokens (like {first name}, {application name}, etc.). Those details will resolve to the specific individual when the ticket is created.

The beauty is that since you use a personalization token instead of the ex-employee name, title, or impacted app, the next time a different employee leaves the company, you can use the same workflow, and all those tokens will resolve to that new individual as well!

What Can I Do With This Ticketing System Integration?

There are many ways to take advantage of delegated ticketing within Torii. Here are just a few examples:

  • Delegate renewal process.
    • Open a ticket to procurement 30 days before the contract end date.
  • Delegate app security review.
    • Open a ticket when a new app is discovered, and assign it to the security team.
  • Delegate employee onboarding.
    • Open tickets and assign them to app owners when onboarding new employees for apps whose provisioning cannot be completed automatically by Torii or SSO.
  • Delegate employee offboarding.
    • As we mentioned with Abbey, the future architect.

For Jira Power Users: Torii’s Deep Integration

Everyone loves Jira. In fact, we polled IT professionals and found that one in three said Jira was literally their favorite app. Period. So, we decided to go the extra mile with such a beloved and heavily adopted tool.

Torii’s integration with Jira allows a two-way exchange of data. That means that once a ticket has been resolved, that update is then pushed back to Torii. Torii can then continue the workflow without any manual intervention.

So, suppose Abbey leaves the company (different Abbey, she’s from Sales and wants to become a marine biologist). In that case, IT will use their offboarding workflow with all personalization tokens in place. Like before, Torii’s API integration with your major applications will automatically deprovision. And, like before, app owners will receive a Jira ticket for manually reclaiming the license.

However, unlike other ticketing tools, once the application owner marks the ticket as complete, that status is then pushed back to Torii so that the workflow can continue based on that information. Torii will also remove that user profile from the apps’ lists of users.

Conclusion: Ticketing is Just the Start

Chances are, you’re busy. For every hour of your day, you have eighty-seven minutes of work. Torii will not automatically fix that. However, Torii can help your sanity by providing a single place—a home base—for your SaaS processes, and establishing that home base is vital! Nothing siphons your mental capital like jumping between different tools.

Ticketing is just one block in the foundation of that home base. To learn more about how Torii is giving IT visibility, insights, and actions—ask for a demo of the entire Torii platform!